We sing a lot, we have an inappropriate song for every occasion in the circle. This page presents a nice collections of down-down songs and you should learn them all.
We Close The Circle With Either
Hashing with Some Passion
5-Pack came up with HIS ode to OUR joy. The tune is “Ode to Joy” by Ludwig von Beethoven
We go Hashing
With some passion
– Running here and checking there –
If it’s True Trail
‘On on’ we’ll yell
– If we’re lost we’ll blame the Hare –
Then we Circle
Grab a beer, chill
– Try to Down Down everyone –
Don’t take offence
In our defence
– We’re only here to have some fun –
Hashing in Amsterdam
Lyrics by Missing Link and Excremental Earnings on the tune of “Tulips from Amsterdam”
Next Sunday we will meet again
– Hashing in Amsterdam
We’ll circle up and we will have
– Down Downs in Amsterdam
We’ll check it out and try each way
– ARE YOU ! in Amsterdam
. First a false trail
. . Now a back check
. . . Where’s the beer stop
. . . . Are we on yet?
So when we meet again,
– It will be ON ON ! in Amsterdááám
Down-Down Songs
Virgin Song
Here’s to Virgins,
They’re true blue,
They are Hashers through and through,
They are arseholes so they say,
They tried to go to heaven,
But they went the other way,
Drink it down, down, down . . .
He/She’s the Meanest
He’s the Meanest
He sucks the horse’s penis
He’s the meanest, he’s the horse’s ass.
Ever since he found it
All he does is pound it
He’s the meanest, he’s the horse’s ass.
So drink! chug-a-lug, chug-a-lug, chug-a-lug.
So drink! chug-a-lug, chug-a-lug, chug-a-lug.
Visitors Song
Here’s to fellow hashers,
Fellow hashers, fellow hashers,
Here’s to fellow hashers,
They drink chug-a-lug.
They’re happy, they’re jolly,
They’re fucked up by golly,
Here’s to fellow hashers,
They drink chug-a-lug.
Why was he/she born so beautiful?
Why was he born so beautiful?
Why was he born at all?
He’s no fuckin’ use to anyone,
He’s no fuckin’ use at all.
They say he’s a joy to his mother,
But he’s a pain in the asshole to me,
So, drink it down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down
Meet the hashers (Flintstones tune)
Hashers, meet the hashers,
They’re the biggest drunks in history,
From the town of Amsterdam,
They’re the leaders in debauchery.
Half minds, trailing shiggy through the years,
Watch them as they down a lot of beers,
Down down, down-da down-down
Down Da-dadadown-down,
a da-da down-down,
a dada down down dowwwwnnnn.
Birthday Song
Hashy birthday, fuck you,
Hashy birthday, fuck you,
Hasshhy birrrthday, fuckk youuu,
Hashy birthday, fuck you.
Soldier Song
A-sshole, a-sshole,
a soldier I will be,
To piss, to piss,
two pistols on my knee,
For cunt, for cunt,
country and my queen,
Asshole, asshole, asshole, asshole,
A soldier I will be.
Drink it down, down, down . . .
His One Skin
His one skin hangs down to his two skin,
His two skin hangs down to his three,
His three skin hangs down to his foreskin,
His foreskin hangs down to his knee.
Roll back, roll back,
– Roll back that foreskin for me, for me.
Roll back, roll back,
– Please roll back his foreskin for me.
Drink it down, down, down . . .
Canadians !
Built a bonfire- Built a bonfire
Put Canááádians on the top
Put Americans in the middle
and BURN the fucking lot !
Song not very long
This is a Down Down Song.
It isn’t very long.
This is the second verse,
It’s shorter than the first
Drink it down, down, down . . .
Mrs Murphy
Have you seen his cock Mrs Murphy
It only weighs a quarter of a pound
It’s got hair on its neck like a turkey
And it spits when you jerk it –
– up and down down, down, down . . .
Publicly Pissed On
They ought to be publicly pissed on,
They ought to be publicly shot, (bang bang)
They ought to be tied to a urinal,
And left there to fester and rot.
Drink it down, down, down . . .
Ten Toes
Here’s to the game called ‘Ten Toes’
That’s played all over town.
The women play with ten toes up.
And the men with ten toes down, down, down.
Shitty Trail
RA: What did ya think of the trail?
Hounds: Shitty!
Shitty trail (It sucked)
Shitty trail (really fucked)
The motherfuckers laid a shitty trail
I would rather drink a beer
– than do your shitty trail,
Drink it down, down, down, down, down —
Zulu Warrior
All lay, zooma zooma zooma,
All lay, zooma zooma hey!
All lay, zooma zooma zooma,
All lay, zooma zooma hey!
Drink it down, you Zulu warrior!
Drink it down you Zulu chief, chief, chief!
Suck, Swallow, Hurl!
Hurl! Hurl! Hurl!
The Stupid Song
You’re stupid, you’re stupid,
You’re really fucking dumb,
If it wasn’t for you’re mother,
You’d be a stain of cum!
You’re Number One
You’re not number four,
Number three, number two,
You’re number one!
What a Wank
What a wank, what a wank,
-what a wank, wank, wank,
What a wank, what a wank,
– what a wank, wank, wank,
What a wank, what a wank,
– what a wank, wank, wank,
What a wááááánk, what a wank, wank, wank,
Bull-shit, bull-shit,
It all sounds like bullshit to me, to me,
Bull-shit, bull-shit,
It all sounds like bullshit to me!
Germans !
tune: German national Anthem
Germans have no sense of hu-hu-mor
– Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !
It’s not true, it’s just a ru-hu-mor
– Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !
… They càn laugh …
…… but they don’t !
Canadians !
Build a BonFire ! Build a BonFire !
– put Canadians on the top
– put Americans in the middle
And BURN the fucking lot
Ou Est Le Papier?
tune is the French National Anthem
A Frenchman went to the lavat’ry,
To have him a jolly good shit, shit, shit
He took his coat and his trousers off,
So that he could revel in it, it, it.
But when he reached for the paper,
He found that someone had been there before
Ou est le papier?
Ou est le papier?
Monsieur, monsieur, je fait manure.
Ou est le papier?
Ou est le papier?”
Dos – A Beer
Dos, a beer, a Mexican beer,
Ray, the guy who buys me beer,
Me, the guy, he buys beer for,
Far, a long-long way to run,
So, I think I’ve have a beer!
La, la la la la la la,
Tea, no thanks I’ll have a beer,
And that brings us back to Dos, dos, dos, dos…
Finger In Your Beer
How would, you like, my finger in your ear?
How would, you like, my finger in your ear?
Not fucking likely!
– Not fucking likely!
– – Not fucking likely!
Fuck Off Ya Wank
Fuck off, ya wank, fuck off, ya wank,
Fuck off, ya wank, fuck off! (Fuck off!)
Fuck off, ya wank, fuck off, ya wank,
Fuck off, ya wank, fuck off! (Fuck off!)
Give It A Blow
Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But my cock is so delightful,
So if you want to see it grow,
Give it a blow, give it a blow, give it a blow!
He’s a Racist
He’s a racist,
He sucks the horse’s faces,
He’s a racist,
He’s a horse’s ass.
Every since he found it,
All he does is pound it,
He’s a racist,
He’s a horse’s ass.
Here’s to Brother Hasher
Here’s to brother hasher,
Bother hasher, brother hasher,
Here’s to brother hasher,
May he chug-a-lug.
He’s happy, he’s jolly,
He’s fucked up by golly,
Here’s to brother hasher,
May he chug-a-lug.
So drink motherfucker,
Drink motherfucker,
Drink motherfucker,
Drink motherfucker,
Here’s to brother hasher,
May he chug-a-lug.
Incest Time in Texas
When it’s incest time in Texas,
And there’s no cunt to be found,
Your mother’s in the bathroom,
Her panties halfway down,
No time for masturbation,
No time to beat your meat,
When it’s incest time in Texas,
Mother-fucking can’t be beat!
Thank God She Finally Shut Up
Thank God she finally shut up,
She’s always fucking bitchin,
So drink your beer, get out of here,
And get back in the kitchen!
Tastes Like Shit
If your girlfriend tastes like shit, turn her over,
If your girlfriend tastes like shit, turn her over,
If your girlfriend tastes like shit,
– it’s her asshole not her clit,
If your girlfriend tastes like shit, turn her over.
It’s A Small Dick
Well it isn’t long and it isn’t think,
It gets hard too slow and it cums too quick,
It gets lost in her twat but it’s all that he’s got,
It’s a small, small dick.It’s a small dick after all,
It’s a small dick after all,
Always limp from alcohol,
It’s a small, small dick!
Nipples! Nipples!
Nipples! Nipples!
Lick them, flick them, play with them too,
That’s where babies go to get goo.
Nipples! Nipples!
That’s what makes the titties fun!
No! No! No!
No! No! No!
Bad! Bad! Bad!
Down! Down! Down!
Pissanya, Pissanya, Pissanya,
In Russian it means “I love you,”
If I had my way I’d pissanya all day,
Pissanya, Pissanya, Pissanya.
Shittanya, Shittanya, Shittanya,
In Russian it means “I adore you,”
If I had my way I’d shittanya all day,
Shittanya, shittanya, shittanya.
Cummanya, Cummanya, Cummanya,
In Russian it means “I need you,”
If I had my way, I’d Cummanya all day,
Cummanya, Cummanya, Cummanya.
Publicly Pissed Upon
He ought to publicly pissed upon,
He ought to be publicly shot (Bang! Bang!),
He out to be tied to a urinal,
And left there to fester and rot (I love that part!)
Put Your Left Leg Over My Shoulder
Put your left leg over my shoulder,
Put your right leg over my shoulder,
La la la la!
She Likes It In The Kitchen
She likes it in the kitchen,
She likes it in the kitchen,
She likes it in the kitchen,
And kitchen means butt!