* Grand Master Slippery Edge
* Hash Cash Slippery Edge
* Religious Adviser Missing Link
* Social Media WhoreTwin Pits
* Hare RaiserPink Panter
* Web MasterPink Panter

Also very very important are
5-Pack, he is our Religious Adviser emeritus
Hard Drive, he is our Deputy Assistant Web Master and Trouble Shooter


* Grand Master Slippery Edge
* Hare RaiserPink Panter
* Religious Advisors – 5-Pack & Missing Link
* Hash Cash Slippery Edge
* Web MasterPink Panter

* Grand Master Slippery Edge
* Religious AdvisorsLead RA = 5-Pack
co-RA – Dick Jacker
* Hash CashOn^ The Edge
* Haber Dashervacancy
* SongMasterDick Jacker
* DAWTHard Drive (Deputy Assistant Webmaster and Troubleshooter)
* Hare RaiserJesus Hickey Christ
* Web MasterPink Panter
* On Secvacancy

* Grand Master – Slippery Edge 
* Religious Advisers – 5-Pack & Tuna 
* Hash Cash– On the Edge 
* Haber Dasher – Just The Tip 
* On Sec – Jesus Hickey Christ 
* Hare Raiser – Jesus Hickey Christ 
* Web Master – Hard Drive